The Gapp Awards 2024
Avery Dennison Kelideck


An important aspect of any competition is the process of determining the winners. While the criteria for all of the categories serve as a guideline, the physical process of judging the entries requires knowledgeable, experienced and impartial judges.

Judges are selected from all sectors of the industry in sufficient quantities to ensure a fair process resulting in winners, who are deserving of a trophy. If the judges’ scores determine that no winner is declared, then so be it; awards are not presented for the sake of it – they are earned and ultimately, deserved.

Entries are submitted to the judges anonymously, with all identifying information and marks, including the printer’s name or the printer’s imprint, removed. The website entry process generates a unique number for every entry. This is then used as the only identifying element for the judging process.

The panel of judges are not given access to any information pertaining to the entry, other than the technical details regarding the job and/or accompanying photographs if it is deemed pertinent or required for the judging process. Motivations are permitted, which will also be presented to the judges. They are also required to recuse themselves if they know who printed a particular job in a category they are judging or if they were involved with the production of a job they are to judge.

Entries are judged against a weighted matrix specific to each category depending on the production process used to create the entries in that category. Once the judging process is finalised, the judges’ involvement is complete, with scores being tallied and an average calculated.

All winners receive certificates and the top three winners in each category receive a custom-designed, handmade trophy. In order to foster the desire to produce improved levels of quality and thus to “up your game”, a minimum of 80% is required in order to be eligible to win a Gold Award. If the judges’ scores determine that no winner is declared, then so be it - The GAPP Awards are not presented for the sake of it; they are earned and ultimately, deserved.

The Arena of Excellence beckons and the thrill of victory awaits. Enter now!